Science of Well Being – Second Design

Science of Well Being

Spring 2023

Course Description

Science of wellbeing – a course on Coursera taught by Professor Laurie Santos – professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Yale University). It has become one of the most popular courses on Coursera – in April 2020 2ith 1 million plus enrollments in the online course (till March 2020). The course was initially taught in Yale as “Psychology and the Good Life,” and became the most popular course in the three hundred years of history of Yale, attracting more than 1,200 undergraduate student enrollments.

In Spring 2018, Laurie Santos taught “Psychology and the Good Life” for the first time as depression, anxiety, and stress were evident in the students of Yale University. And the idea behind the course was to help students deal better with anxiety, stress, and depression during their studies and in their practical lives.

The course takes you in the direction of applying the learnings from psychology about personal happiness. Psychology about happiness is being applied in public policy and implementing public policy. The idea is that when it comes to changing people’s behavior these implementations have been quite successful.


Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan

Teaching Assistants

Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan

Course Manager

Faisal Chohan
Faisal Chohan

Why the course was developed

In 2013 on ABC News, Americans were declared most unhappy People In The World. Also in the United states antidepressants are prescribed 400 times more than what used to be in early 2000. The research shows that recent graduates are more unhappy than others.

Field of positive psychology

The Yale course is an attempt at synthesising work in positive psychology along with the science of behaviour change. The pioneering work in the field of positive psychology is done by scientists like Martin Seligman, Ed Diener, Barbara Fredrickson, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Daniel Gilbert, Robert Emmons, and others.

This course is for anyone who wants to understand the con